Indispensable for the business plan and the company, the SIRET number is its identity. Basically, what is the SIRET number and how do you get it?
SIRET number: what is it?
A 14-digit number, it represents the Identification System of the Directory of Establishments. This number has two components: the SIREN number and the NIC. The SIREN number represents the first nine digits and the last five are the Internal Classification Number. A company can have several of these numbers when it operates through different subsidiary companies. In fact, the SIREN number of a company remains unique, regardless of the different establishments, local headquarters. Thus, only the NIC changes and makes the SIRET change. This SIRET number does not only represent the digital identity of the company, but also its legal existence. It is obtained following the registration of the company. This number must be affixed to any legal document (contracts, legal notices...) and commercial document (estimate, invoice, receipt...). But it should be noted that some areas have notes in place of some numbers.
SIRET number: how to obtain and constitute it?
The INSEE is the only competent on the French Territory to issue the SIRET number, so on their site is the CERFA form to be completed constituting the file. The cerf n°13959*04 is for SAS and the n°13959*03 for SARL. First of all, you need the registration of the company, which is obtained by the CFE, i.e. the Centre of Formalities des Entreprises. Once these figures are obtained, the SIRENE directory is responsible for publishing them. It should also be noted that the procedures are different depending on the nature of the company. Indeed, for a commercial company, its registration is done at the CFE of the chamber of commerce and industry or at the clerk's office of the commercial court. The place of registration also differs for civil companies, craftsmen, small societies, etc.